Hey there! Looks like you found my little corner of the internet. I really don't know what to put here since I'm terrible at writing cool, quirky things about myself. So, here's a paragraph about me if I was on discovery channel.

*note: the following MUST be read in a British accent*

You will often see the Shelby in her habitat known as the "bedroom." This awkward female will often times be found clicking away on her laptop, scrolling through Instagram, watching The Office while drawing, or eating snacks such as potato chips or carrots.

Haha, yeah that was weird. Here's a list of things about me because my life is so interesting and cool.

- I am a Christian
- I write books and take forever in doing so
- I love any and every form of art
- I've had blue and purple hair so far
- I once dressed up as Fili to go to a hobbit premier (beard and all)
- Spiderman is my boyfriend
- I 'm Vegan (for health reasons and the animals)

A lot of the times, I can get really deep on the blog and write about heavy subjects since I've been through a lot this past year. My goal for this blog is not to appear cute, perfect, and make people envious of the mask I'm hiding behind. Hey, all that funny stuff I wrote up there took much longer to write because I actually had to think it out. I wan to be real for my readers.

What you'll find on my blog is posts about: lifestyle, veganism, my faith journey, rants, writing, art, and really anything I feel like blogging.

Thanks for checking out the blog!

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