Friday, February 17, 2017


On the night of January 1st, 2017, my Dad went to be with the Lord.

There are so many emotions I've felt in the past month and a half. Emotions that dig deeply into my soul like a knife and make tears stream like blood. I have never felt so weak and helpless in my life.

These emotions are so violent and heart wrenching, it's taken away my identity. I can't remember who I was before this. It's forced me to become more raw. It's brought all my brokenness into the light so all can see how messed up I really am.

I get angry a lot more now.

Angry at people because they just can't understand the hurt I feel. Some days I think might be my last because I cannot bear the pain weighing down in my heart and closing up in my throat.

I want to pray about it and I want to draw near to the Lord. I know he is real and I know everything he says is truth. But why am I still hesitant, after all these years? I wish I could just say "Trust in God, he is the only way!" And give you a Bible verse to meditate on. The truth is, I know it's true but the simple truth no longer fixes me.

It feels like putting a bandaid over a bullet hole. There's probably more poetic and romantic ways I could put this. But, the world doesn't need more of that. It needs a little truth now and again. Here it is:

Sometimes life sucks.

It's hard, a painful hard. I wish it wasn't so hard for me. I wish I was out of this fog so I could help you with your problems, write a blog post that would encourage and uplift you.

I've thought a long time about writing a blog post. I thought about waiting until I was stable, until I wasn't so buried deep in these raw emotions. I wanted to come back saying I had found myself and had never been so sure and confident in who I was and who God is.

But, the truth is I am completely and utterly lost.

I have no idea what I'm doing, where I'm going, or how I'm going to do it. It's sometimes just hard to tell myself all I need to do right now is breathe.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Don't rush things.

Don't worry so much.

It's all in my head.

But, that's the problem.

Problems, I have way too many of them.

I'm not waiting until I'm better to come back.
I want this blog to show my journey so I can look back one day and see how far I've come.
I don't say any of these things to make people feel sorry for me, that's the last thing that I want. I want to be real and true. The small talk and forced smiles have gotten old to me.
No, I am not somebody who easily trusts or opens up easily.

This has forced me to become more open and raw. I can no longer hide behind a mask. Losing my Dad has made every wall and barrier fall away so I am exposed for who I really am: broken and lonely.

So, this is me.

This is blog is now my real, true, and honest story.


  1. <3 I love you so much, Shelby, and I'm so proud of you.

    1. Love you, girl. I'm finally going to start posting again.

  2. I'm praying so hard for you, Shelby!

  3. Oooof. Gurl, I'd say I feel for you, and I do on one level, but no one close to me has ever died, so I def can't say I know how you feel, and I don't know what to say to make you "feel better". But, I am praying for you and I say be real gurl! Say what you gotta say and feel what you gotta feel. I guess I will remind you, that its true that God is still real and He still loves you. Just in case you needed someone else to say it x"D But... aside from that, I guess all I can say as a random person on the internet, that I'm here for you as much as I can be... as some random person on the internet XD I'm interested in seeing your journey though :) This life, wasn't promised to be easy, and you're def experiencing that right now, but I believe that with time and friends and family and God, you will recover and become a new and better you. Also, you're not the only one who is broken and lonely, but its ok. You're really not alone and God and friends and family are there to pick up your pieces and help you together again. :)

    1. Thank you so much. I'm sorry I've been gone so long, but it's been so hard for me. I'm back now, and I' ready to start posting again.

  4. Shelby, I have never been where you are now, and I cannot begin to fathom what it would be like to walk in your shoes. My Dad always tells me that the Psalms are the soundtrack of our lives, and I have found it to be so. The despair, anguish, and sorrow the Psalmist brings to the LORD, and the LORD shares his burden. I cannot know how you feel but our heavenly Father has promised to walk beside you and to carry you. "When the righteous cry for help the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all." You have lost your identity with your Father, rest in your heavenly Father and our identities will be established in him. In psalm 73 the writer is shaken by what he sees going on in the world around him but when he seeks the Lord's face and enters the temple, God gives him a heavenly perspective. I have no real life experience to offer you, but only to follow the footsteps of the Psalmists who have walked the same path ahead of you.
    May God bless you and keep you, and cause his face to shine upon you forever.

    1. Thank you, Joshua, for the encouragement. It means a lot.

  5. Shelby, I've been following along with you on Instagram, and I've been praying so much. I don't know what to say because I know that there really isn't anything that can be said. Life really does suck sometimes, and I hate that you have had such a horrible thing happen in your life. I love you.

    Sending hugs and prayers. <3

    1. I'm so sorry I haven't replied in months. It's been the hardest half a year of my life and I just couldn't come back to my blog after going through so much. But, I'm ready to start again.

  6. I discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago, Shelby, and I had it open in a tab, reading through, and meaning to comment and tell you how lovely it was, and how much I enjoyed reading through. And then you posted this, and now it seems so shallow to say those things, even though I still mean them..

    I'm feeling for you so much. I lost my father too when I was younger. I don't know what to say, but I just really appreciate your openness and honesty here. You are so brave. And I'll be praying for you, girl. Life does seem hopeless at times, but keep holding on. God is still there, even in the fog. xx

    1. This means so maven't blogged much to me! I haven't blogged in months now, and I really want to start back. Your comment really makes me want to post more. I'm so happy to know there's people who love my blog and writing.

      I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing someone is the hardest thing I think a person can go through, especially their Dad. I'm glad there's someone else who can understand my pain. We do have to keep holding on, because in the end, God is all we have.

  7. Hi Shelby. I just wanted to let you know that I and all of the other girls at church love you and are praying for you. I know that I can't understand everything that you're going through right now, but I trust that God will love you, and help you, and guide you through it. I pray that you will stay strong in the faith, and always trust God to take you through your pain. I love you and your family.

  8. I haven't even met you but tears are falling from my eyes as I read your words and heAR your story.
    You are truly an incredible young woman a are a light for God's power.
    I pray for you God's strength for you.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post. It means a lot. I'm so thankful to know there's others out there who care. <3


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