Thursday, May 26, 2016

Records are Better

Once upon a time, I was awkward. It's nothing new. It happens all the time.

I was out having dinner with a good friend and a couple of her friends I had just met. I mostly listened to their conversations and said little, afraid I'd show how inexperienced I was with teenage relationships and drama.

A song came on the radio and I noticed a few of them were bobbing their heads to the music, showing their recognition of the song. "Hey, this is Megan Trainor, right?" I blurted, not sure what other singer to name.

They burst out laughing, "No, that's Brittney Spears!" I'm pretty sure I turned pink from embarrassment, but I tried to laugh it off. "I haven't even heard her music before," I admitted. "I like old music." I tried listing a few of my favorite singers like: B. J. Thomas, Elvis, and The Carpenters. But, they showed no interest in them.

Was I really that different? Was it weird to like old stuff?

It was after a shocked expression from me when someone dropped a f-bomb and admitting I had never kissed anyone but my Grandmother before when they all told me, "Ah, I miss being your age when I was sheltered. I remember when I would be so surprised if someone used language. You'll soon understand all this stuff. Once you get a job and everything."

It all sounded something like that. I admit the whole rest of the evening I yearned to be like them. I wanted to prove to them I was cool and knew about stuff, but what I realized is I really don't want to be like them at all. In the heat of the moment, I wanted to know everything and understand everything they did because you HAVE to when you get out into the "real" world, right?


It's okay if I don't know every hidden meaning in the song "The A Team." It's okay if I've never heard a Brittany Spears's song. It's okay if I don't swear, gossip, date, kiss, or flirt. I don't need to know all the dirty details of the world to live my life. In fact, I think I could live my life more peacefully without knowing all those things because it's garbage-in garbage-out. I don't need to know everything.

I'd much rather listen to Owl City and retro music, watch Audrey Hepburn and Jane Austen movies, and read good books than know what certain types of drugs are and watch horror movies. Now, I'm not saying I'm going to completely cut myself off from the world. I'm just saying I can choose to live a sheltered lifestyle. I want to fill my mind with things that are honoring to God and benefit me. I want to have conversations that are encouraging and uplifting, and I want to be someone people can see the light of God shining through.


  1. I totally agree with you! Some of my friends consider me like the "super christian" one and stuff, but I'm just all, "Yup!" I don't care to know about all the nasty stuff. I want to know enough not to be ignorant of current affairs in the world, but I dont need to know the gritty details always plasted on tabloids and stuff. I'm sure most of it isn't true and what is true is just sad :/
    But yeah, I love me some classical music and old MGM musicals and Barbie movies XD

    1. Yes! I totally agree! I do want to be educated with what's going on in the world and stuff, but nothing ugly.

      Oh yeah, Barbie movies are great! XD My favorite is the 12 Dancing Princesses.

  2. Girl, I know this is an 'old post' but I had to comment and tell you that I know exactly how you feel. People think we will be so different when we get a job and get out in the real world, but I DO have a job already and I don't want to be like all the people out there.
    I like to stay at home, I like to watch Period Dramas and read books, I like modest things and appropriate things. That doesn't mean I'm sheltered.
    It means that THAT'S what I like.
    I know most of the world doesn't care but I FOR ONE care about pleasing the One who made me, and therefore, the only One that matters.

    I really enjoy reading your blog, btw. I am really bad at commenting on a regular basis but I still read and enjoy people's blogs. :) Anyways, I just wanted to give a shout out to you.
    I hope you had a good Christmas!


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