Mod - es - tyAlright ladies, I think it's time I share my opinion on something that is slowly disappearing in our society. This past week, I searched all over the internet to find the perfect swimsuit. I must have come across hundreds of pictures that showed stick-thin women showing off string bikinis. In one out of at least fifty pictures, I would find the perfect suit for me . . . and then find out it was sold out. All the searching for a swimsuit got me thinking, "Why I doing this?" Was it so I had something to wear while I swam? Or was it to show off my body?
behavior, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency
I think those two questions are a good thing to ask yourself before you go shopping for swimsuits. We're talking about our bodies here. Do we want to show them off for everyone to see? Let's look at the Bible and see what it has to say about modesty.
". . . likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works." 1 Timothy 2:9
Is the Bible saying you're not supposed to braid your hair and wear jewelry? Nope. I'm pretty sure Paul was saying not to show off your body to get attention. He's saying to dress respectably and be modest. Being modest doesn't mean you have to wear turtle necks and skirts all the time. It means to use maturity in choosing your wardrobe and making sure your heart is just as pretty as your looks. Someone who looks great in a bikini but swears and is rude to her parents is not attractive.
Also, ladies, let's think about the type of men you'll attract wearing that crop-top or short shorts. Unless he is a godly, young man, he might be too busy looking at your exposed skin instead of appreciating your beautiful heart. I'm not saying wearing a crop-top or a bikini is wrong, but I am asking you to examine your reasoning for wearing those things.
I strongly believe that your body is something very, very special. God made you just the way you are. Nope, don't you dare argue with me. He did. Your body is something that should be protected and treasured by your husband, or saved until you meet him. We shouldn't be showing it off to anyone who walks by and notices us.
Now, some of you might be thinking, "Shelby, you're one to talk! You're wearing a strapless swimsuit!" Well, let me tell you why. I asked myself those two questions. Am I getting this so that I have something cute to wear when I swim? Or am I getting this to show off my body? I thought about where I would be wearing it and what people would see me. Two days ago, I wore it at my Uncle's pool. Only my family saw me in my new swimsuit. I know I'm going to wear it to a public pool or a lake eventually, so I made myself promise this: I am not going to wear my new retro bathing suit to show off my body or catch the eye of a cute boy. I will wear it to have fun this summer and be confident yet mature with the way I dress and act.
I don't know about you, but I am going to let my heart, smile, and love for God be what people stop and stare for. I'm not going to let my body do the talking. There's so many other gorgeous things to wear that flatter our bodies.
Happy summer, everyone!
I totalllly agree with you! I always look at my clothes and just make sure I'm not wearing and buying things for the wrong reason. I want to look good, but I don't need to look, well, immodest. And I wish more girls, and guys, wouldn't wear such revealing clothing, especially in the summer. I wanna be like a school principal and give people giant shirts and shorts to wear sometimes XD
ReplyDeleteAnd def, I want my future husband to love my heart, not just the way I look.