Sunday, July 24, 2016

Confidence Is Key

When I was 12 years old we traveled to my Aunt and Uncle's home. There I got to hangout with my cousin, Sophie, who is only two weeks older than me. Though we didn't see each other often it only took us ten minutes to become best friends again. Sophie showed me her hobbies of making scarves and headbands out of yarn and jewelry out of wires and beads. I of course thought these hobbies were the height of coolness, so we spent a lot of our time together making all sorts of things with yarn and beads. 

One day on our visit we went to the zoo. I distinctly remember strolling through that big old zoo with a yarn headband, yarn scarf, yarn bracelet, yarn necklace, long bead earrings, and absolute confidence that I looked like a million bucks. I was fabulous, and nobody was going to tell me otherwise. 

Another day I walked along with my Mom and Aunt through the neighborhood over to Sophie's school to watch her practice in a play. I felt so beautiful wearing one of Sophie's orange dresses, long basketball earrings, and yarn scarf. I looked amazing, and nobody was going to tell me otherwise.

Another time we went to go see my cousin, Sal, play in a baseball game. I was so excited for people to see me in the shorts Sophie loaned me. I remember sitting on the grass admiring those bright pink shorts and how they looked so good with my blue shirt covered in rainbows. I was happy.

Today I stood in front of the mirror wearing one of my favorite dresses. It's a dark blue one covered in white polka dots. To me, it looks like a dress someone in the 50s would wear. I love vintage stuff, so of course I fell in love with the vintage look of the dress. The only problem with it is that it shows ever curve and bump I have on my body. I stood for a long time in front of that mirror, looking at how the dress hugged my curves. I did not feel pretty or confident. Thoughts about my high confidence level of 12 came back to me. What ever happened to it? I almost started to cry, but then stopped myself immediately.

"I am a beautiful girl and a child of God," I said out loud, as I ripped off the dress and searched my closet for something else to wear. I was going to be confident today, I had to be. So, I put on another favorite of mine. A flowery blue green dress with a dark yellow sweater, feather earrings, high heels, and some denim shorts underneath. I probably won't be on the next cover of a fashion magazine, but I felt happy wearing something that hid all those bumps and curves.

But, you know what? I got back in the 50s dress. As I was writing this post about my past confidence, it hit me. Why couldn't I have that past confidence again? So, today I am putting that confidence back on. Maybe I'm not wearing yarn necklaces to the zoo, but my confidence is still there. Those bumps and curves I have are beautiful because they were designed by an awesome and powerful God. He knows what true beauty is because he made it.

Girls, if you are feeling down today about the way you look, put on your favorite outfit. Put on something that is YOU. I want ya'll to remember something today, remember that confidence is key. Because when you stroll through the zoo or through the neighborhood with confidence wearing your favorite outfit, people will look at you and think, "Wow, I wish I had her confidence."

So, go get dressed up even if you're not going anywhere at all today and be confident. Because you are beautiful and you are enough.


  1. Awwww <3 that is beautiful :)
    My grandma used to knit me clothes when I was really little, but I don't remember wearing them, cause I was so little. But I hope i had just as much confidence!
    And yes! I always say that "confidence is key", in many of life! I tell it to my mom all the time cause she's always saying how she's big and doesn't like to wear tight clothes and stuff, but this is what I tell her! And I try to remember it myself XD Though it can be hard. I recently got a dress that's a sort of red/orange and its one of those ones that pretty loose and then flares around the butt and I love it! And sometimes I wear wierd combinations in the winter. I have this neon yellow long sleeve that i've worn with jean shorts and leggings XD And I've even paired green tights with purple shorts... But I kinda love being weird sometimes :)

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and support! Your dress sounds so cute!! I end up wearing weird and quirky combinations sometimes too. XD


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