Wednesday, July 13, 2016

My Top 10 Health Tips

I've been thinking lately how much I've changed this year. It hasn't just been my hair, but also the way I think about health, food, and myself. I noticed there are some things about me that are different that others. I'm turning into a quite the little health snob. It's not because I'm obsessed with body image, but because I honestly enjoy learning about healthy and natural things I can do to take care of my body. I thought I should share what I have learned so far in my journey toward living a balanced and healthy lifestyle with you guys. Here are my top ten health tips!

1. Drink lots and lots of water!

When you laugh and drink water you end up with this face.
I know you've probably heard this a lot from your parents or online, but I can't tell you enough. Water is so important!  We're supposed to drink at least 8, 8 ounce glasses of water a day and that's just a minimum! I always keep a water bottle with me. Even when I go to the store I keep it in the car or carry it in with me. Right now as I'm writing this I have an Advocare water bottle by my side. Get a cute water bottle from Walmart! Get into the habit of taking your water bottle everywhere. Soon, you might even prefer water over soda, like I do. The only drinks I have are water, tea, and an occasional coffee.

2. Use coconut oil.

This stuff is so good for you! I use it for moisturizer, conditioner, lip balm, food, and oil pulling. Oil pulling is when you take a spoonful of coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth for around 15 minutes. It sounds gross and the texture feels weird, but it's such a good way to get white teeth! You can make a face mask for acne with it using tea tree oil and coconut oil. I also use a homemade toothpaste using coconut oil, baking soda, peppermint oi, and a sprinkle of Stevia.

3. Workout at least three to four times a week.

You can tell I've been running in those shoes!

I know we all have our busy schedules and school, but we all have time for a twenty minute workout every other day. Find a workout you love to do! Even if it's just taking a walk through the neighborhood, you're still off your bottom and moving. I personally love running, yoga, Pilates, and dance. A Youtube channel I really recommend checking out is Blogilates. The fitness instructor, Cassie Ho, is so encouraging and positive. Her workouts are so much fun!

4. Use Apple Cider Vinegar.

I accidentally poured way to much . . . yikes!
Granted, it smells like stinky feet, but it has amazing health benefits! Just look it up on Pinterest and you'll find dozens of uses for it. I sometimes drink one to two tablespoons of it in my water as a detox. I also use it as shampoo by mixing water, ACV, and baking soda together. It can also be used as a toner. Just fill a spray bottle half with water and ACV. It works miracles for acne and helps even out my skin tone.

5. Stop eating goldfish, pretzels, chips, cookies, and really any other processed food for snacks.

I actually hate potato chips, they give me a headache for some weird reason.

These foods will not keep you full or satisfied for long, and will sometimes leave you feeling bloated. Instead go for fruits, veggies, and nuts. These foods will keep you full longer and are packed with healthy vitamins.

6. Take Biotin.

This stuff is so good for hair, nails, and skin! I take it every morning. It's very inexpensive, and you can find it at your local grocery store.

7. Stop washing your hair so much!

Wow, that's some hat hair.
I know, I know, you're afraid it'll get greasy if you don't wash it everyday. But, the reason it is so greasy is because you wash it so much. If you slowly start to break away from washing your hair everyday, then your body will adjust and stop creating so much oil to moisturize your dry scalp.

8. Be clean.

We all have those days when we'd rather put on a beanie than fix our hair, or wear sweatpants instead of jeans. Those are the days our moods are probably not the greatest either. It's amazing what a little makeup and a cute shirt can do to make us feel better. It's not just getting dressed out of our pajamas, it's also looking neat and clean. That might just mean ironing your t-shirt, cleaning your fingernails, or washing your face. Before you walk out the door today, give yourself at least fifteen minutes to get ready. You deserve it.

9. Take a detox bath.

There's people out there who hate baths because they find them gross and you might be one of them. I understand it can be gross if you're covered in dirt or sweat. But, a hot bath after you've spend a minute to rinse off in the shower first is not going to kill you. It's actually very good for you. Pour some Epsom Salt, ACV, Baking Soda, and a few drops of essential oil in there and soak for at least twenty minutes. This will drain the toxins from your body, help with stress, and relax you. You might feel a little lightheaded when you get out, but that's normal. Make sure you drink plenty of water before hand, you don't want to get dehydrated from the detox.

10. Start off your morning right.

Get up early, have a cup of tea, do devotions, write a to do list, do some yoga while watching the sunrise. Do what makes you happy! This is the time for you to have your "me time." Everything is quite and peaceful which is a perfect time for you to get ready for the day.

Just for fun here's a bonus tip I thought I should add:

Be happy!

Hey, we've only got one life so let's live it to the fullest. There's no time for worrying. You'll save a heck of a lot of trouble if you take a deep breath and decide to trust in God. Put a smile on the beautiful face of yours and go change the world! Right now that might just mean cleaning your room, sweeping the floor, or reading a book. But, we should do it all in happiness and joy because positive people are the best kind of people.



  1. Love love LOVE this! You combined health with pretty pictures AND a numbered list. Such great tips. This really inspired me to do better. Thank you!

    1. You're the sweetest!! I had so much fun doing that mini photoshoot.

  2. I heard once that you're supposed to drink like half your body weight in oz And ever since I heard that I took it to heart XD I also carry water with my everywhere! And sometimes I drink like... closer to my actual body weight in oz XD
    I really want to try Oil Pulling and the whole No Poo method thing. I only wash my hair once a week anyway, but I'm just so lazy XD
    And I am one of those people that don't like baths, I think, mostly cause I think they take up a lot of time and I don't know what to do while in a bath XD

    1. I heard that too! Water is so important, I just can't understand the people who would rather have soda over a big glass of water! XD

      Oil pulling works wonders! And I understand what you mean about baths. Sometimes when I don't feel like reading in the bath I just end up laying there staring up at the ceiling thinking, "Um, so what now?" XD


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