Friday, September 2, 2016


Let me just say, I am so over Summer. I'm ready for pumpkins, candles, fuzzy sweaters, hot chocolate, red and yellow colored leaves, beanies, and most of all COOL WEATHER.

Y'all, I'm over the blistering heat. This month was still an alright one despite the deathly heat and regular dose of drama.

Let's have a look, shall we?


I spent ten days in Texas babysitting my two little cousins while their parents were at work. In that time I got a glimpse of what it's like to be a Mom. I now hold them in a deeper respect and awe.

We did some swimming in their awesome pool. They even have a hot tub, y'all.

Finger painting + two lil girls = MESS. It was fun though.

Got some fancy coffee from a coffee shop INSIDE their humongous church! This country girl who went to a church without indoor plumbing for ten years felt like she was going to a concert at that mega church. *snort*


Going to flea markets is one of my favorite things to do. We went to a few, then came home and watched Jason Bourne and had ice cream. (Jason Bourne + ice cream = LIFE)


Spent a morning with Tori doing random things!

She's the bomb.

We got donuts and coffee! Perfect way to start the day. ;)

Guys, this ice cream sundae was SO GOOD! *drools* I love ice cream so much, it's not even okay. 


Aaaannndddd I finally finished this painting!

It took a while mostly because of laziness. Oops. Now that I'm finished with it I can start working on my drawing for the state fair! 

Well, this month has been hard but for the most part good. I can't wait to see what September brings me! xoxo



  1. Wow, I can't believe I've been following you on Pinterest for like 2 years and I just now realized you had a blog. XD I love it! I am a huge coffee and ice cream fan too. :D I love your painting, btw. Keep up the good work!
    John 16:33

    1. Welcome to my blog! XD Do you happen to have one too that I could follow? Oh yes, I am a huge fan of coffee and ice cream too. Fancy Starbucks coffee is my favorite.Thank you so much, glad you like it! <3

  2. Oooh! I didn't know you painted :D
    I've never had to babysit more than a few hours before, but what little I have done has made me respect parents more. Oh my gosh, some kids are a handful!
    I also saw Jason Bourne and I liked it!
    There isn't really a flea market close to me, but I'd love to go some day :)
    And ohmagawsh, I LOVE ice cream too! If I could get my nutritional needs from one type of food and still be ok, it'd be ice cream XD Also that sprinkled donut looks amaz. And so does that painting! I... cannot paint XD I'm so amazed when other can make intelligible things out of colors cause I just cant XD I can put blobs on a piece of paper and thats about it

    1. I love to paint, though I'm not the best at it. XD I agree, some kids can really be a handful. I have no idea how my parents did it!
      Flea Markets are so much fun! We have so much stuff around the house we've gotten from flea markets. I might do a blog post on everything we've gotten from them, actually.
      Honestly, that's what I felt like my painting was at first, just blobs of color. XD That's part of the reason it took me so long to finish it because I was constantly trying to get my blobs to look like flowers.

  3. Wow, looks like you had a lovely August! I must agree with you about being ready for summer to end! I can't wait for fall. This heat is unbearable and I haven't even been to a pool all summer! :O Also that is a beautiful painting! I haven't painted in so long, oh my. :P

    1. I did! And yes, I'm so tired of boring old Summer. It's finally getting cooler outside which makes me so inexplicably happy! Thank you, that was the first painting I'd done in a while. xD


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