Saturday, July 29, 2017

Meet Cinder

The name Cinder was inspired by my love for the Lunar Chronicles. They're basically sci-fi retelling of the classic Princess stories where Cinderella is a cyborg and little red riding hood is named Scarlet and falls in love with a werewolf. Pretty dope, ammi right?

Who is my Cinder, you ask? She's my cat.

I decided on this name because of her dusty gray coat which reminded me of the way Cinderella got her name. She slept in the firer pit, causing her skin to be covered in cinders and dirt, earning her nickname, 'Cinder.'

She kind of acts like her too. She's feisty and has spunk. Cinder also loves coffee, knocking over plants and tins of expensive markers, drinking out of the toilet, sleeping on her Mommy's neck and being her little shadow, and being curious about everything.

The only down side of owning this little tiger, is I have a slight allergy. It's either that, or I have a cold in the middle of Summer which is highly probable since weird things happen to me all the time.

Here's a few pictures of the little devil.



  1. Oh my goodness, SHE IS SO CUTE!! <3 :')

  2. Cinder is adorable! I too... am allergic to my dog. But then again... I'm allergic to practically everything. I sneeze everyday. I'm stuffy everyday, especially in the morning and at night. And I often have to blow my nose... So yeah. I should probably take a patch test or something to figure it out... but whats the fun in that? XD
    Can cats actually drink coffee though?

  3. AWWWW, she's so precious!! I want a cat so badly. :')


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